David Pierce | Matematik | M.S.G.S.Ü.

Cities home


From a visit to the city in early November, 2008 (for the final conference of MODNET, the the research training network in [that part of mathematical logic called] model theory).

The harbor.

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The old city, near the Picasso Museum.


A movie was being shot.


The 2008 US Presidential election was about to happen.

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Sidewalks could have mismatched tiles, as in Ankara.

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Sidewalks could be useless, as in Ankara. This was near the Parc Güell.


There could be elevated roadways in the middle of the city, as in Ankara.

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There could also be uncrowded, tree-shaded, pedestrian streets. There are tree-shaded pedestrian streets in Ankara, but they are crowded.

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The city blocks outside the old city are fine for walking, but for one thing. At intersections, the street corners are cut and paved over for cars, so the walker must make a detour. This can become tedious if one is walking some distance.

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It is possible to find cars parked in the way of pedestrians.

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There are colonies of parakeets, mingling with the pigeons.


Son değişiklik: Monday, 09 April 2018, 14:54:05 EEST